kawasaki eliminator 250 el250 el 250 gas tank fuel reservoir petrol tap cap
$ 58.08
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...You are looking at a kawasaki el250 fuel tank with cap and tap. Cap comes without key, with extra 30euros i can provide you a key. It has scratches, dents and rust.
please check carefully photos before buy.
i have a whole rgv250 vj21 bike for parts
You are responsible for any compatibilitty errors. you have to check your own if you buy the right part
i have a lot of honda crm 50 parts, a whole engine in parts and others like front fork, wheels, swingarm caliper.
i have yamaha dt 50 engine parts
I have a lot of parts of some Testi motorcycles such as tanks, side panels, front fenders mudguards and a lot others. send me a message to make an ebay selling for you!
If you are interested, I can send you more better quality pictures, so that you can check the details.
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All items are shipped through the Greek Postal Service (ELTA) and I provide a tracking number.
Contact me before you buy for any question.
Please give me positive feedback if you are satisfied.
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International buyers are responsible for any customs, duties, etc. imposed by the buyer's home country
You will be notified on day of shipment through e-mail
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